Friday, July 20, 2007


well this weekend is it. the big 21. i'd love to get super excited about a birthday, but really, there's not much going on that gets me pumped to be 21. i still have to go to work every day, i still have to go to bed early every night. in all reality, i don't think i'll be taking any kind of advantage of being 21 until i get back to boulder, when it will definately be taken advantage of. i'm more excited about being able to hang out with my friends without having to be like sorry guys... i can't go out with you tonight... i gotta stay here kinda thing going on. it'll be nice to be able to meet people at the bars (as smarmy as most of those people are, there have to be a few good kids out there somewhere) and be able to go see good shows that i haven't been able to go to. if the polyphonic spree ever make it back to boulder, i'm totally gonna go see them. last time they came, i was not 21 and no amount of schmoozing would convince the lady at the ticket booth to let me in to watch them just for a couple of minutes. maybe sunday night after i go bowling i'll try to find an open liquor store and buy myself a beer or maybe i'll just go out and have one monday after work. i dunno. not too excited. that's the jist of it. time for some scrabble.

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