Tuesday, August 14, 2007

buggin me

other than what i've been doing since i woke up this morning, today has been a good day. however, there were a few small things that stood out and really just bugged me today:

-i went to bed with pants on and woke up without pants on, making turning my alarm off (which is in the next room to mine to keep me from going back to sleep instantly) very complicated
-as i was walking to the bathroom, i saw somebody take the last piece of cake from a birthday cake, look around to make sure nobody saw him, and walk away. THAT'S MY JOB! how dare somebody go around the office looking for free food instead of doing work! i need to be way more vigilant in my free food ventures unless i want to get walked all over by other scavengers. their timing may be better than mine, but my evasion skills are so finely honed after this summer that they don't stand a chance.
-i was typing a text message with the word "consequences" in it, which my phone didn't have in it's automatic memory thing. that's a long word to try to type in a cell phone, and i spelled it wrong a few times which made it take even longer. then later on i was typing another text message and one of the word suggestions that came up was "y2k". great. it's 2007. when's the last time anybody mentioned y2k? 7 years ago? yeah. when's the last time somebody used the word "consequences"? probably in the time it took me to type this sentance. sony needs to get on that.
-i called travelocity because they messed up my online reservation thing for my flight back to colorado on sunday only to have the phone answered by an indian guy who, i swear, slipped a few sentances in there in his own language just to make me mad. after every single thing he said to me, i had to say "excuse me" or "can you please repeat that, it's very hard to understand you" or something to that effect. every. 30. seconds. then when he asked me for my email address and he was repeating it back to me, he tried using the letters in words so that i could understand what he was saying more clearly, but it came off more like this:
"ok, your emayyl addresh ish jeemeey.wohta@mahtew.cawm spelled j as in jawg, i as in (i think he said ink, no idea), dobl m as in meersh (i don't know what that is either), y as in yesh dawt w as in weg (again, huh?), a as in alpha (i got that one down), l as in lamb (i think), t as in teeth, e as in eggwash (wtf is eggwash??), r as in randy"... and it went on smoothly from there. if you're working for a big company and you need to hire people to answer your phones here in america, please, PLEASE make sure that they at least sound like an american. i love other cultures, i really do. i just don't want to have to embrace your accent as i'm trying to figure out why my $700 plane ticket suddenly disappeared from your website, and you're sitting there trying to repeat "is there anything else i can do for you today" 4 or 5 times as i get more and more frustrated with you.
-it isn't 5 o clock yet.

hopefully things will look up, i know i have dinner to look forward to. and a bike ride. yep.

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